Thank you for partnering with us through prayer.


  • We’ve had some recent incredible opportunities to present training seminars in churches – with more on the calendar. Tara Kelley heads up the training. Other H*VMI staff assist her in whatever ways she needs us. It’s a great team effort. Most important – as Tim Sheetz told a recent group: “Those of you who attend are a blessing to the H*VMI team. You encourage us to know that you, like we, sincerely desire to minister in situations where the student may be challenged. Thank you for giving up a Saturday morning to discover ways you can share Jesus with your students who thrive when their special needs are accommodated.”

  • Praise for the staff and attendees who are applying to join us for our Adult Bible Conference Retreat, March 21-23, or Handi*Camp May 30-July 9.


  • URGENT - We need MANY MORE staff to sign up to serve at Handi*Camp, May 30—July 9 (or portions thereof). Please ask God to send staff for this amazing ministry opportunity. We can only register campers if we have staff to match the numbers and needs. Please CONTACT us if you would like information or know of someone we could connect with to present the need.

  • Please pray for those in our H*VMI family experiencing health concerns. As we pray for His healing touch for each one, we rejoice to see God’s comfort and hope on their faces and in the things they share.

  • Please pray for God to send in the money needed to complete the buildings on our property. We’re encountering more and more times when our needs can NOT be met by facilities we still need to borrow!