PRAISE God with us for His financial provision as we closed the year 2024. We'll be excited to share the final total concerning the $300,000 CHALLENGE as soon as all the tabulations are complete.
PRAISE Him for the wonderful ministry partners He has raised up for H*VMI and for the encouragement we've received from them over these last months - prayerfully, financially, encouraging notes and cards, visits to our office, gifts of food... We're so blessed by all who invest in this ministry and these missionaries.
PRAY for the Bible clubs and support groups (BASIS and PIP) that will meet in the new year. Pray that bad weather and roads will not require us to cancel any meetings.
PRAY for an all-day training session several H*VMI missionaries will be presenting at a local church on January 18th.
PRAY for good responses to invitations gone out for our March Weekend Bible Conference Retreat (including staff who can come to assist); and for Handi*Camp 2025.