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CONTACT Brian Robinson:

Brian Robinson

Missionary serving with H*VMI since 1983.

MINISTRY: Disability Ministries/Handi*Camp, Office Manager.

BACKGROUND: I have a degree in Therapeutic Recreation from Penn State and one year of Bible/theology classes from Lancaster Bible College. I joined H*VMI soon after my year at LBC, serving as Handi*Camp Director for 25 years with my wife, Sandy. Sandy now serves full-time as Disability Ministries Director at Calvary Church and uses her Sign Language interpreter skills there, too, in various ways.

FAMILY: Sandy and I were married in 1986. Our children, Kyle and Jessica, grew up going to camp with us, and both have a love for people with disabilities. Kyle, wife Leah; daughter, Hannah; and sons, Saul and Simeon, are now serving with H*VMI. Kyle is Executive Director, and Leah is Handi*Camp Nurse Manager. Jessie is an RN/BSN working for a local home health agency with kids who have severe disabilities. She takes time off to work at Handi*Camp each summer. Daughters, Alicia and Kisha, came into our home as foster children in 2002 at ages eight and seven. Their adoption was completed in 2004. Alicia works part time cleaning at a local business and has her own apartment. Kisha spends days at home cared for by home health nurses. Sandy’s parents (Luke and Grace) moved in with us in early 2017, and Grace graduated to Heaven in 2018.

HOBBIES: I enjoy spectator sports, biking, reading, home improvements and family.

LIFE VERSE: "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58